I am not a Great Man, but you might be.

I’m half-disappointed and half-indifferent, if such a thing be possible, to discover that I lack some of the 32 main features that distinguish a Buddha from a lesser mortal.

It is inappropriate to go into too much detail in a public forum as to exactly which of the characteristics I do or do not have but here is a list of those that definitely rule me out of the game.

1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 21, 26, 27!, 29, 31 and 32.

Furthermore, the visibility of my kneecaps, lack of bodily halo of light and mouth not always being beautful like a smile rules me out on the basis of the 80 sub-characteristics.


4 thoughts on “I am not a Great Man, but you might be.

  1. “Furthermore, the visibility of my kneecaps, lack of bodily halo of light and mouth not always being beautful like a smile rules me out on the basis of the 80 sub-characteristics.”

    you should have seen me after upgrading 2 dbs to 10gr2…

  2. So what are the 32 main features that distinguish a data warehouse guru from a mere mortal? :)

  3. “Oh great Buddha, how is it that so many beautiful women come and sit next to you?”

    “I dunno, I was just sitting here licking my eyebrows and they all kind of showed up.”

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